by mckinneycenter | Dec 26, 2018
This class focuses on the Japanese originated comic style of Manga and Anime drawings. During the duration of the 6 weeks, students will learn the basics of rendering multiple styles of generic anime figures, known characters and, eventually, will create their very...
by mckinneycenter | Dec 26, 2018
This class focuses on a series of short art exercises designed to introduce young children to art processes, materials, and creative exploration. Each class will expose children to new materials and techniques. Class time is set to give each individual child a chance...
by mckinneycenter | Dec 26, 2018
This class is for students who have taken Art Adventures or have some experience with art lessons and have the ability to attempt more complex problems including perspective, sculpture, and painting techniques. Classes are designed to reinforce basic elements of art,...
by mckinneycenter | Dec 26, 2018
This class introduces your child to basic art skills, and gives them an opportunity to grow as young artists. Art Adventures has been designed for 5 to 7 year old children to strengthen their knowledge in art and further develop art vocabulary and skills. With...
by mckinneycenter | Dec 26, 2018
Creative Constructions is designed for students who have taken Art Adventures or have the basic art skills needed to create more complex activities and projects. This class will allow young creatives to construct original pieces of art and to learn more about...