The play, written by Jules Corriere and directed by Lucas Schmidt, is set mostly during the 1960’s, a formative time in the lives of the characters who were part of a great change taking place in the country and around the world. It was a time of conflict and confusion, but these Baby-Boomers from the Jonesborough Senior Center got through those times by listening to the lessons learned from their parents, “The Greatest Generation” who told them to stand up for what they believed in, even if it meant sometimes, they’d be standing alone.
Feel their heartbreaks, celebrate their triumphs, and see how they have the courage to find the light even through the darkest of times, and in the end, cheer as they find the power to stand on their own.
The play is filled with scenes depicting turning point moments in the lives of local residents, many of whom were very young when they met with these life-changing experiences.
Interested in Seeing the Show?
The show will have two public performances on November 16 and 17 at 7PM at the Senior Center. Tickets are $10 and are available by calling the Visitors Center at 423-753-1010 or by going online to For more information, contact Mary Sanger at 423-753-4781.