Halloween History Trivia Night
The Scare-itage Alliance is teaming up with the McSpooky Center to put a haunting spin on History Trivia Night. Join us on September 30th for a frighteningly fun Halloween Trivia contest with questions to test your knowledge of all things ghostly and historical! This is the perfect way to kick off the spooky Halloween season.
The festivities will take place on Saturday, September 30th at 7:00 pm at the McKinney Center with general history-based trivia questions, friendly competition, a costume contest, and a ton of fun! Not a “history buff?” Don’t worry! These questions cover a wide range of topics and categories and include something for everyone. We will have Halloween related categories including urban legends, ghost stories, local haints, and more! Main Street Café will also be on hand to sell a frightening assortment of beers.
It’s only $8.00 per person to play! Tickets are available online at Jonesborough.com/tickets. Solo play is allowed. Teams are encouraged, but the person limit per team is 8 people. Please enter your team’s name in the comments when purchasing your tickets if you know it. Heritage Alliance and McKinney Center staff will host the event, tallying points and administering prizes to the winners. The event is family-friendly and open to all ages. The costume contest will occur during intermission. Dress up and try to win a prize!
For more information on the Heritage Alliance please call our office at 423.753.9580. You can also contact the organization via email at info@heritageall.org. Additional information about the Heritage Alliance and its mission can be found online at http://www.heritageall.org/. For more information on the McKinney Center and their mission please call their office at 423.753.0562 or visit their website at https://mckinneycenter.com.