Adventures in Drawing
Course Information
This class explores basic drawing techniques and how to use a variety of drawing media: pencils, color pencils, oil pastels, chalk pastels, charcoal and pen and ink. The instructor will provide step-by-step instruction with demonstrations with each new technique. Students will do a number of studies and finished pieces using each media/technique.
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This class will be a hands-on tour of the materials and techniques used to make all types of two-dimensional artworks. The course goal is to encourage an understanding of art and design and the process of making artwork with a variety of media. Through the class, students will be able to practice simple step-by-step projects and experience the basic skills needed to continue with any medium in drawing, painting, and printmaking. Some of the materials explored include: graphite and colored pencils, pastels, ink, watercolor, acrylic, linoleum printing and stamping. All your supplies are included in your registration fee.
Many teens and adults are hesitant to try an art class. They usually say, “I’m not an artist,” or “I’m not talented.” At Jonesborough’s Mary B. Martin Program for the Arts we know that art is a learned and practiced skill. It is very common for people to associate the ability to draw or paint with “talent.” Some individuals may be at different levels but art is a skill that is learned. It has to be practiced on a regular basis and it can be hard work. Just as an athlete practices everyday with their team or by themselves, students of art must practice each week, every day, conducting drills, working on their techniques, and evaluating their accomplishments and mistakes to be better.
Instructor Sharon Squibb has taught students for years at University High School in Johnson City, Tennessee, and here in Jonesborough at the McKinney Center. She loves sharing her knowledge for art and her talent with others who want to make art. Sharon makes extra effort to create a comfortable, at your own pace, environment in her classes along with challenging her students in a way that they develop to their best selves.
Sharon’s classes are usually small in size, anywhere from 5 – 12 students, and she is able to work with students of all abilities and skill levels. The small class sizes help provide more one on one instruction when needed. Not only will you receive a life-time of learned skills but you will find other benefits as well. Adults and teens are busy with work, studies, and life demands. Fitting in an art class may be hard but it will nurture your creative side which is essential to your well-being, as well as lots of fun. Our art rooms are bright, open, and can handle drops of paint, splatters, etc. So, go head and practice your creativity. Life is busy and it is important to take some time for yourself. A study published in Art Therapy: Journal of the American Art Therapy Association, stated that 45 minutes of creative activity significantly lessens stress in the body, regardless of artistic experience or talent, making this class perfect for the overworked professional, stay at home mom, or emotional teen. Feed the creative part of your brain for a change! Adults who work in a highly analytical environment need artistic outlets to give their brain’s right side a rest and stretch the left side. Learning a new art form, a new technique, a new medium strengthens you and gives you more confidence. Taking a class with others will give you an opportunity to meet cool new people like yourself! Art reaches across racial stereotypes, religious barriers, and socio-economical levels and prejudices. Take some time each week to relax, have fun, meet new people, explore new things, and have fun!
Most of the time, Introduction to 2D Art is offered in the fall of the year. However, class schedules and fees can vary each semester. Please review the most current class catalog for specific detail and always feel free to call the McKinney Center to discuss what class is best suited for your child.
You will be surprised how many finished works of art will result from this class. Students usually end up with 8 – 10 finished works and sometimes more. These pieces can be framed, given as gifts, placed in your art portfolio, or further worked on during your next semester class. Students will have the opportunity to exhibit one of their projects at a special exhibition at the end of the semester.
If you or your child loves Introduction to 2D Art, we encourage you to try Adventures in Drawing, the Drawing Series classes, Beginning Watercolors, or contact the McKinney Center to discuss further options. The end goal of the Introduction to 2D Art is for students to move into a more specific genre for refinement.
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The McKinney Center at Booker T. Washington School is a multi-use facility providing arts education through Jonesborough's Mary B. Martin Program.