Partner With Us
As with any program initiated to enhance the quality of life of Jonesborough area residents and our visitors, the McKinney Center/Mary B. Martin Program sincerely needs financial support. This support is in addition to the basic support provided through the Town budget. We have high-quality instructors in our comprehensive art education offerings, but we work to keep our classes affordable and a scholarship program is available.
In order for our program to continue growing and reaching all segments of our population, we need contributors who understand and support what the Center is trying to achieve and to financially assist in that effort. Donations and sponsorships are tax deductible, and because we are undertaking a variety of exciting activities, there are a number of ways in which someone can contribute.

Following are activities which have been initiated to develop financial support from the Jonesborough community:
StoryTown Annual Play
Sponsorships and donations are sought to help support an annual version of “I Am Home” performed each year in February or March. Playwright Jules Corriere creates a script from local stories collected through Jonesborough’s Community Story Initiative, and each year new stories, original music, and community performers combine to create an outstanding production that is performed numerous times over two or three weekends. Stories are collected from all segments of Jonesborough’s population, and sponsorship and donations are needed to maintain the high quality of the productions.
Masterpiece Mingle
This fundraiser is undertaken to support the education program of Jonesborough’s Mary B. Mary Program for the Arts. Held in the spring each year, the event includes live music, food, cocktails, and art. Each participant gets to take home a piece of art created by a local artist.
Soup & Songs Fundraiser
A holiday season favorite in late November that features locally made all-you-can-eat soups in a “your choice” handmade take-home bowl, along with performances by the Jonesborough Yarn Exchange and Jonesborough Novelty Band.
Help your community by fulfilling McKinney Center's mission.
The McKinney Center at Booker T. Washington School is a multi-use facility providing arts education through Jonesborough's Mary B. Martin Program.