Anime Art Club
Course Information
Encourage your child’s originality and artistic fancy in the Anime Art Club. This course familiarizes young students to various drawing techniques and characterized anatomy skills through the Japanese comic style of Manga and Anime drawing. Anime Art Club was created for 5th-12th-grade students to explore and become comfortable with their drawing skills while rendering original characters and experimenting with basic story development. This course encourages young artists to gain confidence in their skills while providing a safe creative space to experiment within their chosen illustrative styles and interests.

Additional Class Information
Members of the club will be exposed to various drawing practices where each individual lesson and assignment are presented with the intention of the student learning all the necessary means of imagining, rendering, and developing their own unique illustrated character. Assignments will comprise a built upon skill set that includes; basic pen and ink techniques, coloring process, sketchbook exercises, and character development. The club is designed for all skill levels where both new and returning students will have the opportunity to thrive and grow.
The Anime Art Club will be taught by Jordan Gillenwater.
During the course, students will learn the art style of Japanese originated comics,manga and its animated counterpart, anime. Both manga and anime are characterized by high contrast, bright colors and often thematic elements of science fiction and fantasy. Each class, students will be taught various drawing skills, starting with the basics of composing a figure and ending with an original character design. Some basic concepts include; cartoon proportions, light and shadow, line variety and coloring. Sketchbook experimentation is highly encouraged in the club, as students are prompted to engage in active note taking, drawing exercises, peer critic, and character/story development. During the duration of the course, students will fill a sketchbook, and create small exercises leading up to their final drawing; their own character.
Though not a requirement, it is strongly recommended that students have previous drawing experience prior to signing up for Anime Art Club. This course does not stand in place of generic drawing lessons and without some basic understanding of drawing as a practice, the student may be behind on lessons.
At the completion of the course, students will be asked to display their final character composition in the student art show that is typically held on the first Thursday in December for fall semester or the second Thursday in May for the spring semester. The student art shows are designed as the ideal opportunity for the student to celebrate their originality and acquired skills as well as display their hard work to their family and friends.
The Anime Art Club is a special topics children’s art course, and is not afford every semester. Please check on a semester basis to see if the course is offered. The days and time may vary. The registration fee includes the instructor pay and the purchase and use of all materials including sketchbook, markers, pens, etc.
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The McKinney Center at Booker T. Washington School is a multi-use facility providing arts education through Jonesborough's Mary B. Martin Program.