Intermediate Watercolors – Beyond the Basics
Available Fall 2019
Course Information
Whether it is something you have always secretly wanted to do, or you are brushing up on art skills, you already have it can be daunting to take a painting class. But, if seeing a painting makes you think, “I could do that,” or colors mesmerize you, or catching a glimpse of our beautiful mountains makes you want to try your hand, then why not? The McKinney Center’s classes are structured to develop artistic skills at any age, and any level, whether you are a beginner or have some training you would like to build upon. For complete beginners, if you are drawn to painting but have little to no experience, consider taking Intro to Art: 2-D first, which will help you build your artistic muscles and provide a way to experience success in your painting, drawing, and other endeavors.
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While all our painting classes are adaptable to various skill levels, if this is your first painting class outside of a public school setting we recommend you start with the Introduction to 2-D Art or the Adventures in Watercolor classes. These courses are geared toward beginners and are structured to provide step-by step instruction while building your confidence level. These basic skills will also enhance your success as you move into other mediums.
If you have had painting in the past or have moderate experience ask the McKinney Center staff what upcoming class may be beneficial.
At the McKinney Center we believe that art, and painting, is for everyone. Therefore, art classes are open to people who are brand new to painting as well as those with extensive experience. Our art classes are judgement free, allowing you to be at ease and freely express yourself as you please. Due to small class sizes, usually no more than 8 – 12 students, instructors can adjust the curriculum to fit your needs. We can also accommodate Homeschool families or Co-ops if there are 5 or more students confirmed for the class.
We have several instructors that teach our painting classes including Sharon Squibb, Ginny Walls, and Allison Parker. All instructors are accomplished artists with in-depth visual arts knowledge with years of experience and training. It is important to our instructors that the classroom environment be comfortable and that students stay positive even when progress is not as quick as the student may expect. The McKinney Center believes in a collaborative environment that is encouraging and uplifting. Finding the right painting teacher is important. Most teachers will often teach you how to paint like they do, so make sure you like their paintings! Attending the McKinney Center’s semester open houses is a good way to just that and to meet the painting instructors.
Even if you are not seeking a career in art, taking an art or painting class can provide many benefits. It can expand your creativity. Art instructors push you to create new things and take steps outside the box. Artists, or creative people, are desired in all career paths. Being creative is a skill used in everyday life and can you in the job industry. Taking an art class can make you a more well-rounded individual. Taking art classes gives you a combination of academic and creative thinking. The art classes at the McKinney Center use a variety of mediums to give you a chance to try something you might not normally use. It helps to create a hobby that you could potentially take into a career. If you are a teen interested in art school, these classes can also help you build a portfolio for college. According to, painting classes can also be a stress reliever. The average person has 60,000 thoughts per day. 95% of those are exactly the same each day and on average 80% of those thoughts are negative. Art lowers your stress levels and clears your mind. Painting can relieve tension and leave your mind new and calm.
Adults and teens are busy with work, studies, and life demands. Fitting in an art class may be hard but it will nurture your creative side which is essential to your well-being, as well as lots of fun. Our art rooms are bright, open, and can handle drops of paint, splatters, etc. So, go head and practice your creativity. Life is busy and it is important to take some time for yourself. A study published in Art Therapy: Journal of the American Art Therapy Association, stated that 45 minutes of creative activity significantly lessens stress in the body, regardless of artistic experience or talent, making this class perfect for the overworked professional, stay at home mom, or emotional teen. Feed the creative part of your brain for a change! Adults who work in a highly analytical environment need artistic outlets to give their brain’s right side a rest and stretch the left side. Learning a new art form, a new technique, a new medium strengthens you and gives you more confidence. Taking a class with others will give you an opportunity to meet cool new people like yourself! Art reaches across racial stereotypes, religious barriers, and socio-economical levels and prejudices. Take some time each week to relax, have fun, meet new people, explore new things, and have fun!

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The McKinney Center at Booker T. Washington School is a multi-use facility providing arts education through Jonesborough's Mary B. Martin Program.